6 to 6 ebook
Is This Your Current Hair Situation?
✹ You know you should be taking better care of your hair, but you have no clue where to begin.
There are 3 huge mistakes I see when people try to grow their hair out:
1. They consult with non professionals because their hair is longer ( Cue the YouTuber’s)
2. They use the same old products under their bathroom sink , expecting new results.
3. They wear protective styles for very long periods of time but their hair stays the same length or gets worse, because they’re not nourish their natural hair properly underneath.
Imagine taking down your braids, weaves, and wigs confidently without having to rush into the next protective style
With a regimen tailored to your hair needs you’ll be able to:
- Wear your natural hair and feel just as confident as you do in your extensions
- Properly moisturize your hair for your style of choice and stop breakage in its tracks.
- Choose your products and services confidently with an educated understanding of how your hair and how it responds.
- Grow and maintain longer, stronger, and healthier hair faster.
Six Steps To Six Inches
The first eBook of its kind. Unlike other haircare regimens 6 to6”:
- Demystifies the hair care process and breaks it down into 6 easy-to-follow steps
- Teaches you how to customize your regimen for even the busiest of schedules.
- How to read and respond to your products and services like a professional
-Breaks down the importance of water-based moisturizers and why every kinky and curly haired woman needs them for our hair to thrive.
I’ve been going to Mia since 7th grade so that already speaks volumes. I’ve watched her grow into an incredible stylist. She has taught me so much over the year[s] about hair care. I moved outta state for about 3 years but Mia was still helping me take care of my hair answer all my questions, recommending hair products, and much more...
Balenthina, a big chop client
What a difference having a hair stylist that takes time to truly understand what your hair needs in order for it to grow at its full potential makes! I have been sticking to the program and am very happy with the results. This membership does everything that is promises and hasn't let me down. My hair is growing longer and fuller which I thought wasn't possible. Although I didn't want to admit it to myself I was embarrassed about my hair not being "Long enough" just accepted that as my fate. Now over a year being in the program I can't wait to see how much growth I get at the end of year 2! Its exciting taking pictures and truly tracking my progress. I'm happy to say I am no longer embarrassed and black women can absolutely have beautifully long healthy hair! With the help of Mia I am confident I will reach my hair goals and can't wait to finally be confident and embrace my beautiful healthy hair!
Amaris, a MyHairGoals Member
:|~|:ttl3class:--:is-custom ba-25840040:|~|:ttl2cont:--:Exclusive Sale Price:
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